To cities and counties in NWIPDC region:
The State of Iowa – Homeland Security has announced that it is once again allocating up to 5% of the total HMGP (Hazard Mitigation Grant Program) funds for back-up power generation and severe weather warning systems at this time. Back-up power generation will be considered when providing a long term, comprehensive and independent solution to a critical facility. Critical facilities are all manmade structures and or other improvements that, because of their function, size, service area or uniqueness have the potential to cause serious bodily harm, extensive property damage or disruption of vital socioeconomic activities if they are destroyed, damaged or if their functionality is impaired. Critical facilities may include (fire stations, police stations, medical buildings, emergency operations centers, emergency shelters, electric facilities, potable and waste-water facilities). Only fixed site permanent generators, non-portable, are eligible for funding consideration. Additionally, FEMA will not pay to remove or eliminate any existing emergency storm warning sirens, only add new warning devices.
In order to be eligible to apply for FEMA HMGP grant funds to purchase and install an emergency backup generator or emergency warning sirens, a city or county must have a current “approved” FEMA hazard mitigation plan. Hazard mitigation plans are only good for a period of 5 years. Therefore, some of the cities in our region may have expired plans. Those cities within the 9 county NWIPDC region with current FEMA approved plans are listed below. If your city has a current approved plan and you are interested in applying for a FEMA grant for an emergency backup generator or tornado warning siren, please feel free to contact myself or any one of the other Planners at NW Iowa Planning and Development for assistance. THE FEMA grants are still being awarded at a 75% federal share, 10% state share and 15% local match (of which may be in-kind or cash).
That is the information from the latest Notice of Funds availability. Below are the cities in the region that do not have expired plans and can apply for these funds:
Buena Vista County:
Clay County:
Dickinson County:
Emmet County:
Lyon County:
O’Brien County:
Osceola County:
Palo Alto County:
Sioux County:
Please contact our planning staff with any questions.