Often we do projects in conjunction with the EDA. Currently we are working on updating the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) plan that has received funding from the EDA. Our EDA’s regional office is located in Denver, Colorado and serves 10 states including Iowa.
The EDA’s mission is to lead the federal economic development agenda by promoting innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy. The EDA was created in 1965 to help generate jobs, retain existing jobs, and to stimulate industrial and commercial growth in economically slow or distressed areas. EDA assistance is available to rural and urban areas of the Nation experiencing high unemployment, low income, or other severe economic distress. The EDA has many investment programs available to help complete their mission.
The EDA is also participating in the “American Recovery Program” as well as the Disaster Recovery program. The state of Iowa has been awarded money to help with economic development and the recent disasters have hit the state in the past year. The EDA website has more detailed information, as well as requirements for funding and funding available to different areas. The website is http://www.eda.gov/Home/EDAHomePage.xml
Currently we are working on updating our CEDS plan. It was last updated in May 2002 and we are now bringing it up to current requirements. With funding through the EDA we update the region characteristics and look at ways to involve all economic development groups into putting together a comprehensive plan. The CEDS plan presents an analysis of various economic trends in the area. Goals and strategies are developed based on that analysis and other available information. The goals and strategies will address the future development needs of the region.
Our first meetings will begin April 2009 as we gather to try and start brainstorming and putting together comprehensive ideas for the entire region. We will also look at how businesses may protect themselves against upcoming disasters that may occur in the NWIPDC region.
After gathering all thoughts and information we will create a plan that reflects local ideas for attracting business and economic development to the region, as well as include a disaster recovery plan for the businesses located in the NWIPDC region.