The Board of Directors of the Northwest Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund (NWIRHTF) will
hold its annual meeting on Thursday, June 20, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. in the board room of Northwest Iowa Planning & Development Commission located at 217 West 5th Street in Spencer, Iowa.
The mission of the NWIRHTF is to promote the creation and preservation of affordable for low to moderate income person residing in Buena Vista, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Lyon, O’Brien, Osceola, and Sioux counties. The funding priority this past year was the financing of home repairs for low to moderate income homeowners.
The purpose of the annual meeting is to review the past year’s accomplishments and budget. All persons interested in the learning more about the Northwest Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund are encouraged to attend the meeting. In addition, the board will be soliciting comment from the public regarding the affordable housing issues within the region and seeking public input as the board considers its funding priorities for next year. Written or oral comments are welcomed. Please address written comments to: NWIRHTF, P.O. Box 1493, Spencer, Iowa 51301.
Starting Salary: $51,247
Regional Planning Agency/Council of Governments is looking to hire an individual for the Planner I position. Minimum requirements are: Bachelor's Degree in Urban/Regional Planning, Public Administration or related field. Job duties may include: zoning, community land use, community development, hazard mitigation planning, economic development, grant writing/administration, transportation planning, and other general assistance to 9 counties and 78 cities. Experience with GIS is preferable. Written and oral communication skills are a must. Submit resume and cover letter by May 31, 2019 to: Executive Director; NWIPDC; Box 1493; Spencer, Iowa; 51301.
An Equal Opportunity Employer.
Dear Colleagues
The State of Iowa will receive FEMA disaster funding under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) as part of Presidential disaster declaration DR-4421-IA (March 23, 2018) as a result of severe storms and flooding that occurred in our State this spring.
Project Types
The State is accepting Notice of Interests (NOIs) for those eligible hazard mitigation project types that will reduce or eliminate losses from future natural disasters, including but not limited to:
- Priority #1 (category A) Property Acquisition/Elevation, electric utility hardening, detention basins, warning sirens. (See attached addendum for additional project types)
- Priority #2 (category B) Elevate/protect wastewater lift stations, backup generators. (See attached addendum for additional project types)
- Priority #3 (category C) Tornado Safe Rooms, small flood barriers. (See attached addendum for additional project types)
Eligible Applicant
Potentially eligible applicants include:
- State agencies and local governments
- Federally recognized Indian tribal governments, including State-recognized Indian tribes, and authorized tribal organizations
- Private nonprofit (PNP) organizations or institutions that operate a PNP facility as defined in the 44 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 206.221(e).
The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000) requires a FEMA approved local hazard mitigation plan prior to FEMA awarding HMGP project funds. Funding will be limited to sub-applicants with an approved local hazard mitigation plan at time of award.
Applicants with proposed projects located in a FEMA-identified Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) are eligible for funding only if the jurisdiction in which the project is located is participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). There is no NFIP participation requirement for projects located outside of the SFHA.
Cost Share:
This is a cost share grant program which means that awarded grants will be funded as follows:
- Federal (FEMA) share of total eligible costs – 75% maximum
- Non Federal share of total eligible costs – 25%
- State of Iowa – 10% (typical )
- Local – 15%
Iowa Code 455B.262A [effective 6-30-2011]; State participation in funding financial assistance (10% State cost share) for a flood related disaster requires participation in the NFIP for a city or county with an effective FEMA published flood insurance map that identifies a SFHA. To determine NFIP participation please visit:
Notice of Interest (NOI) & Application Process
Applicants must complete the appropriate (project specific) NOI form located in the EMGrantsPro grants management system. The NOI forms can be found using the following link:
The State hazard mitigation staff will review NOIs using basic eligibility criteria for HMGP projects outlined in 44 CFR 206.434 (c), project type and level of interest in relation to acceptance of a greater local cost share. Invitations to complete a full HMGP project application will be sent to qualifying sub-applicants for both new NOI’s and previously submitted NOI’s where limited funding was available. Invitation letters will identify a State Mitigation Project Officer who will work directly with the applicant. This Project Officer will contact the applicant to discuss the proposed project, the application requirements, and be available to provide technical assistance during the application development process if needed.
For additional information or questions, feel free to contact a lead State Mitigation Project Officer:
Dan Schmitz – Deputy State Hazard Mitigation Officer: 515-725-9369
Matt Noble - Planning: 515-725-9404
Jonathan Pogones - Acquisition/Relocation: 515-725-9384
Terry Brown – Acquisitions/Relocation 515-725-9371
Leon Freeman–Electric Utilities/Safe Room: 515-725-9378
Carol Tomb – Infrastructure 515-725-9305
We ask that the County Emergency Management Coordinators, Councils of Government, and Planning Commissions forward this information to the communities in their service area to achieve the widest distribution possible.
Registration Open for Intro to Planning and Zoning Workshops
As land use issues and the techniques used to address them become more complex, it is critical that local officials and community leaders understand the local planning and zoning process.
Introduction to Planning and Zoning for Local Officials is a three-hour workshop designed to introduce the basic principles of land use planning and development management to elected officials, planning and zoning officials, and board of adjustment members without formal training in the subjects. Using case scenarios in a highly-interactive format, the workshop highlights issues frequently faced in the land use process.
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Community and Economic Development offers the workshop annually in eight locations across the state. Locations change from year-to-year so that city and county officials are able to attend a location near them at least once every two years. The 2019 dates and locations are:
April 16: Fort Dodge
April 18: Waterloo
April 23: Johnston
April 25: Council Bluffs
May 2: Dubuque
May 9: Fairfield
May 14: Davenport
All workshops begin with registration and a light supper at 5:30 p.m. The program begins at 6:00 p.m. and concludes by 8:45 p.m. Registration is $65 per individual, or $55 per person if a city or county registers five or more officials to attend. The fee covers the workshop instruction, workshop materials, and supper.
Registrations are taken online. To register click here. Then click on the “Intro to Planning and Zoning” tab at the top of the page. Those with questions regarding the workshops can contact Eric Christianson at 515-231-6513 or
Above is a website link to an online Planning Survey from the NW Iowa Planning & Development Commission. Please take a few minutes to complete and submit the survey. If you should have any additional questions about the survey or about any planning, housing, economic or community development services provided by your regional planning agency in NW Iowa, please don’t hesitate to contact the Planning staff at NWIPDC for additional information. We would certainly appreciate the time to talk to you about NWIPDC; and will also be glad to come visit with your City Council or Board of Supervisors as well.
Thank you for your time and participation!
Through the Community Catalyst Building Remediation Program, the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) will provide grants to communities for the redevelopment, rehabilitation or deconstruction of buildings to stimulate economic growth or reinvestment in the community. Strong applications will show the potential of catalytic economic growth in the community; improve appearances and safety; make use of underutilized property, exhibit appropriate design standards; and be well-funded. Economic growth may include the creation of additional jobs, growth of new or existing businesses, development of new housing units, increase property values or potential population growth. A mandatory pre-application process will precede the official grant application. A city, the eligible applicant, must apply and provide financial and/or in-kind resources. A portion of funds will be awarded to cities with populations under 1,500. Funds will be available for the rehabilitation of one commercial building per community or two adjacent buildings with the same ownership, as well as a limited number of planning grants.
Five regional application workshops will include deadlines for pre-applications and the formal application process. Register today to attend one of the following workshops:
October 2, 2018
Storm Lake 4-6:00 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers (2nd Floor) — 620 Erie St.
Pre-registration is requested by selecting the location and time that work best for your schedule. Register today.
Questions may be directed to Jim Thompson, 515.348.6183 or email
See link below on the Iowa Economic Development Authority Website for more information on The Community Catalyst Building Remediation Program.
The State of Iowa will receive FEMA disaster funding under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) as part of Presidential disaster declaration DR-4386-IA (June 6-July 2, 2018) as a result of severe storms, straight-line winds and flooding that occurred in our State this summer. The State is making available HMGP funds for those eligible hazard mitigation project types that will reduce or eliminate losses from future natural disasters, including but not limited to:
- Construction of tornado safe rooms (Multi-functional community or school safe room projects are highly encouraged)
- Acquisition, structural relocation or elevation of buildings located in a special flood hazard area
- Structural and non-structural retrofitting of existing public buildings, facilities, or utilities to protect against wind, ice, or flood hazards
- Minor structural hazard control or protection projects such as storm water management (e.g., culverts, floodgates, retention basins)
- Localized flood control projects, such as floodwall systems designed specifically to protect critical facilities
- Development of multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plans and plan updates
Estimated Statewide Funding Amount: $3,253,427
This is a cost share grant program which means that awarded grants will be funded as follows:
- Federal (FEMA) share of total eligible costs – 75% maximum
- Non Federal State share of total eligible costs – 10% (typical)
- Non Federal LOCAL share of total eligible costs – 15% (typical, but could be up to 25% if no State share)
Eligible applicants include 1) State and local governments; 2) Federally recognized Indian tribal governments, including State-recognized Indian tribes, and authorized tribal organizations; or 3) Private nonprofit organizations or institutions defined in Section 206.221(e) of the 44 Code of Federal Regulations.
The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000) requires a FEMA approved local hazard mitigation plan prior to FEMA awarding HMGP project funds. Funding will be limited to sub-applicants with an approved local hazard mitigation plan at time of award. Applicants must complete the appropriate (project specific) NOI form located in the EMGrantsPro grants management system. The NOI forms can be found using the following link: NOI’s will be accepted on a continuous basis or until otherwise notified.
For additional information or questions, feel free to contact:
Dan Schmitz – Deputy State Hazard Mitigation Officer: 515-725-9369
Matt Noble - Planning: 515-725-9404
Jonathan Pogones - Acquisition/Relocation: 515-725-9384
Terry Brown – Acquisitions/Relocation 515-725-9371
Leon Freeman–Electric Utilities/Safe Room: 515-725-9378
Carol Tomb – Infrastructure 515-725-9305
The NW Planning and Development Commission are offering a new service of zoning administration to the participating entities in the region. Please refer to Zoning Administration Services under the Services and Programs section for more information.
If you have any questions, please call Steve Hallgren, Planning Director or any of the NWIPDC Planning staff at 712-262-7225 for assistance.